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From the Captain's Table, June 2019

Captain Neil

Hi Everybody, welcome to the June Newsletter. It has been great to have had great support on club nights and weekend club events, even though we have less light and the temperature has cooled a bit. What seems to have backed up good numbers at HRR is the great fellowship after the events. Looking at the dinner nights, Group 2 did an outstanding job with over 60 plates going over the servery and then Group 3 were not too far behind on their dinner night either. A big thankyou to all the cooks on a great effort.

Mount Maunganui Half – Well done to all those who did the half and 10km. From what I hear it was a great day and great event.

The Possum – This was a night run at Wairakei. Lex did very well in this event. First in age group, so Lex you still have what it takes. If there is one thing I can say about Lex his preparation on events is second to none and it looks like this paid off.

Wellington Marathon – Yes HRR were there too. This event is legendary for being very wet and windy. But what a surprise this year was a fine day and was a great day out. Well done to all those down there at the event. Annette was once again on fire with another first in age group.

Up Coming Runs – Looks like there will be an HRR presence at the” Hoka Steamy Huka’’ off road event in Taupo and also HRR International division being at the Gold Coast Marathon. HRR wishes you all the best. Talking about upcoming runs, for those of you that have wanted to do Tois Challenge – Whakatane but couldn’t due to ‘’Round the Bridges” being on the same day, Tois is now one week later, so come with me and do both.

Ekiden Relay – We are in full swing of getting names for the Ekiden Relay in Rotorua, October 12. There is a clip board in the club house to put your name on and also if you want to stay with us in the lodge for Friday and Saturday night. Otherwise contact President Gary or Club Captain Neil.


  • It is with great sadness that we say farewell to an outstanding HRR member Vicky Birkett. Yes, Vicky and the family are heading back to the UK .No doubt Vicky will be in action on some of the UK park run circuit. All the best Vicky and the HRR door is always open for you if you are back this way.

  • It is with great fanfare that I announce our HRR member Mary has had a daughter Evelyn Charlotte Carswell Rozeboom. Congratulations and I hear all is going well.

  • HRR Website – Don’t forget to check our website every now and then as this is continually being updated especially with new photos.


  • Running Group Lists – The lists are on the Notice Board in the corridor at HRR HQ – Please check to see which of the 4 groups you are assigned to – Any changes needed please see President Gary.

  • HRR Results/Events Book – For the newer members we have a red book on the table to write in events that you have done with the distance and your time. This helps the HRR committee decide who is an outstanding candidate for the HRR Athlete of the Month.

  • HRR Up Coming Run/Away Book – This is the other book on the table and is for events in the future. Write your name and event that you are going to, and if there are others going to the same event this can make it easier to carpool and share expenses.

  • Percy Lawn Relay – Date Sunday 3 November – Hosts HMC

  • HRR Running Apparel – Yes we still have items on the go – running caps and peaks and a few jackets and running tops. See Gary

  • Dinner Night – July 25 – Group 4 and convener Lorraine

  • Discounts - Did you know your HRR membership card gives you discounts at – Trek n Travel and Shoe Clinic?


May Athletes of the Month:

Desiree Danchuk - Hawkes Bay Marathon Kerin Buttimore - Outstanding Improvement


7 July Hoka Steamy Huka – Taupo 3 August We Run The Forrest – Rotorua 11 August Xterra – Riverhead Forrest 1 September Xterra – Hunua 7 September Hoka One One – Kinloch 14 September Lenser Run Beneath the Stars – Rotorua 12 PM 28 September Blue Lake 24 Hour Challenge 5 October Lenser Run Beneath the Stars – Mclaren Falls 12 October Taupo Ultra 12 October Cole Murray – Cape Kidnappers 20 October Omokoroa Coastal Challenge 26 October King Of The Mountain – Kawerau 2 November Taniwha – Waikato River Trail 16 November Xterra – Waihi 23 November Waitetuna Windmill Run 24 November Toi’s Challenge – Whakatane 14 December Karioi Trail Run – Raglan


3 August Hoka One One – Taupo Marathon 24 August Mount Maunganui Half 7 September Whangamata Fun Run 15 September Cambridge Half 21 September Tauranga Marathon 29 September Hamilton Half 12 October Ekiden Relay - Rotorua 20 October Auckland Marathon 31 October Pink Run – Hamilton Lake 3 November New York Marathon 3 November Percy Lawn Relay – Hosts HMC 3 November Tauranga City to Surf 16 November Queenstown Marathon 17 November Round the Bridges – Hamilton 24 November Toi’s Challenge - Whakatane 9 February Summer Series – Blueberry Fun Run / Walk 16 May 2020 Hawkes Bay Marathon


Kerin Buttimore Mount Maunganui Half 21 Km Run 2h,22m,54s Annette Hermans Mount Maunganui Half 10 Km Run 54m,37s Val Wilson Mount Maunganui Half 10 Km Run 56m,41s Gary Fieldes Mount Maunganui Half 10 Km Run 57m,09s Rod Gill – 1st IAG Mount Maunganui Half 10 Km Run 58m,22s Sonja Fantom Mount Maunganui Half 10 Km Run 1h,13m,34s Lex Chalmers- 1st IAG The Possum Trail Run 12 Km Run 1h,45m,16s Annette Hermans - 1st IAG Wellington Marathon 10 Km Run 52m,26s Gary Fieldes Wellington Marathon 10 Km Run 56m,58s

Park Run Val Wilson 50th Park Run - Hamilton Lake Rod Gill PB - Hamilton Lake Ben Lucas PB - Hamilton Lake Steve Donnelly PB - Hamilton Lake

HRR at Large Chris Oliver Haga Parken – Sweden Neil Crocker Flaxmere Park Run - Inaugural Norm Robins Waiheke Island – Pop Up Park Run

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