Hi Everyone, welcome to the May newsletter. What a busy month it has been.
Rotorua Marathon - Congratulations to all eight HRR’s who ran the event on a fine Rotorua day. Great to see Lex get his 20th Rotorua Marathon Shirt and also Eileen who also managed to get on stage for 2nd IAG for the half marathon, which was a great effort as the course was a toughy. It was also great to see the HRR supporters out in force too. My thanks also to Wayne for sorting all the accommodation details at the lodge. Always great to have a great catch up over a meal and talk over how the day has gone.
Waiheke Half - Congratulations to Norm who did very well in his age group in the 10 Km run. This island life seems to be agreeing with him.
HRR Memorial Relay - My favourite event of the year. It was pleasing to have a fine, if not a tad foggy start to the day. With the club photo done, 32 runners headed off to the Taitua Arboretum for an eight team relay. It was great to see so many new members involved this year and even Norm put in a cameo appearance. Then back to HRR HQ for lunch. Wayne did a great job of telling us the history of our memorial relay event and of members sadly no longer with us. Then President Gary announced the winning team of the relay. Congratulations to Vicky, Shireen, Gary and Captain Lex. All then enjoyed an outstandingly catered lunch and social time. Many thanks to all who worked behind the scenes doing various jobs that make this the great event that it is.
Hawkes Bay Marathon - What a great turn out from HRR. We had the marathon, half marathon and 10km events all covered. The weather on the day was absolutely stunning but a tad chilly at the start with a slight frost on the ground. I was pleased that Desiree’s first marathon went so well and she ran a great time. Val also completed her first half marathon also in a great time. Well done to you both; a true reward for all the effort in training. Then there was the quiet one in the back, Annette 3rd IAG - another strong performer in the club. The finish line was at Elephant Hill winery. Yes, a glass of wine or juice at the finish line - what a way to for the HRR team to recover and celebrate the day and enjoy some great music too. It was also great to catch up with Pat and Michelle at the event.
Whitianga Half - Yes HRR in action again and a great day was had by Rebecca on the 10Km course and Annette doing a great time, in fact smashing her 10km PB by two minutes! Ross also put another solid performance in the 21Km.
Huntly Half - Well done to the seven HRR’s that managed to do the very foggy Huntly event.
See full results below
Running Group Lists - The lists are on the Notice Board in the corridor at HRR HQ - Please check to see which of the 4 groups you are assigned to - Any changes needed please see Gary.
HRR Away Book - Car Pooling - We have a book out on the table for event in the future, so there is an opportunity reduce costs.
HRR Results Book - Also on the table - This is where you can write down your time you have done on your event.
HRR Subs - New Financial year - 1st March - Sub cost same as last year. HRR Bank account details: 03 1555 0161275 00
Dinner Night - June 27 - Group 3 and convenor Jane
Discounts - Did you know your HRR membership card gives you discounts at – Trek n Travel and Shoe Clinic
April Athletes of the Month:
Tau Holden and Annette Hermans - Outstanding Improvements
Tau Holden, Rotorua Marathon 42 Km Run 4h,42m,05s
Lex Chalmers, 20th Rotorua Marathon 42 Km Run 5h,23m,09s
Ann Fredericsen, Rotorua Marathon 42 Km Run 5h,58m,13s
Heather Flay, Rotorua Marathon 42 Km Run 6h,21m,29s
Lynda Brahne, Rotorua Half Marathon 21 Km Run 2h,16m,19s
Jane Roche, Rotorua Half Marathon 21 Km Run 2h,42m,40s
Colleen Stacey, Rotorua Half Marathon 21 Km Run 3h,00m,14s
Eileen Odgers, 2nd IAG Rotorua Half Marathon 21 Km Run 3h,36m,01s
Norm Robins, 1st IAG Waiheke Island Half 10 Km Run 41m,04s
Desiree Dunchuk, 1st Marathon Hawkes Bay Marathon 42 Km Run 3h,54m,37s
Anja Romer, Hawkes Bay Marathon 42 Km Run 4h,17m,45s
Val Wilson, 1st Half Marathon Hawkes Bay Half Marathon 21 Km Run 2h,03m,51s
Holly White, Hawkes Bay Half Marathon 21 Km Run 2h,06m,47s
Jane Roche, Hawkes Bay Half Marathon 21 Km Run 2h,21m,27s
Neil Crocker, Hawkes Bay Half Marathon 21 Km Walk 3h,01m,59s
Annette Hermans, 3rd IAG Hawkes Bay 10 Km 10 Km Run 53m,07s
Gary Fieldes, Hawkes Bay 10 Km Run 1h,05m,21s
Kim McCarthy, Hawkes Bay 10 Km 10 Km Run 1h,07m,39s
Ross Dewstow, Whitianga Half Marathon 21 Km Run 1h,47m,14s
Annette Hermans, 1st Age Group and PB Whitianga Half Marathon 10 Km Run 51m,24s
Rebecca Yeoman, Whitianga Half Marathon 10 Km Run 1h,15m,29s
Lynda Brahne, Huntly Half Marathon 21 Km Run 1h,59m,46s
Vicky Birkett, Huntly Half Marathon 21 Km Run 2h,03m,34s
Kerin Buttimore, Huntly Half Marathon 21 Km Run 2h,15m,12s
Rod Gill, Huntly, Half Marathon 10 Km Run 58m,24s
Kevin Hooker, Huntly Half Marathon 10 Km Run 54m,32s
Tau Holden, Huntly Half Marathon 10km Run 54m,38s
Eileen Odgers, Huntly Half Marathon 10 Km Walk 1h,31m,44s
Park Run
Rebecca Yeoman - 50th Park Run, Hamilton Lake
Annette Hermans - PB Hamilton Lake
Val Wilson - PB Hamilton Lake
Sarah Jenkins - PB (2) Hamilton Lake
Karen Hooker - PB (2) Hamilton Lake
Ben Lucas - PB Hamilton Lake