Kia Orana everybody to the October newsletter and special welcome to Karen our newest member. Well if I thought the club was active in September, that was only a warm up to October’s achievers, as just the “who done it” alone, has filled two pages. Very impressed to see some doing first events, some stepping up to longer distances, those who have PB’s this month and those that have hit some mile stone targets. Congratulations to you all.
We were a well-travelled club in September. Flying the HRR colours at Kinloch, the two Lenser events, Whangamata, The Moa, Waihi, Cambridge, Tauranga, Hamilton Half, Blue Lake and last of all The Round the Rock run Rarotonga. All in all 11 events and 63 HRR’s entered in events. Then there was Park Run with 9 members either having PB’s or milestone events. I would like to make special mention to our Rod Gill who did his 100th half marathon (or lets say 100 x 13.1 miles), what a great effort and I am so pleased at the amount of club support at Rods 100th. I thank you all.
By now the October events - Ekiden Relay, Taupo Ultra, Pink Button Run, Auckland Marathon, Morrinsville Fun Run and Pukekohe Half are just a memory and here is hoping everybody had fun doing their particular events.
Then there are the upcoming events in November like Waihi Xterra, Waitetuna Windmill Run, Tauranga City to Surf, Toi’s Challenge, Round The Bridges, Percy Lawn, Queenstown Marathon, first marathon for Jill and the New York Marathon which I would like to wish all the best to Clare, Kim, Wayne and Sharon - may you have a great time and once again the HRR satellite will be pressed into service to track proceedings.
Friends, Romans and fellow Road Runners lend me your ears – The Percy Lawn Challenge is fast approaching and it is with urgency we need to rally some teams to conquer this event – Sunday 25 November at Te Awamutu Marathon Clinic - 320 Factory Road – Te Awamutu
My thanks to Lorraine and the Group 4 gang for a great September meal. I would also like to acknowledge Gary, Annette, Pat and Michelle for the October quiz night, thank you for your efforts. It was a great way to farewell Pat and Michelle at HRR and they are always welcome back when back this way. Both Pat and Michelle have done so much for the club. However the good news is we will now have expanded our presence with – HRR Napier office and I am sure this will be a sharp operation.
Next meal night – Thursday 1st November will be brought to us by head chef Norm and the Group 1 gang. The date change is due to the clash of the “Pink Run” being held at Innes Common on Thursday 25th October.
Just to re-cap a tad as the September newsletter had to be sent out mid-month. On the run reports:
Round the Rock – Rarotonga and run festival – The main event being the run around the island 31km and also a 10km run. A great race day, it had a 5.30am start time and was a fairly showery day which lead to some record times for the event. We had some good results and the HRR gang seemed to have a good day. Other events done were fancy dress run, Hash run with BBQ and prize giving. On the social scene we managed to fit in biking round the island, walking across the island (bush walk), cultural show, fishing with free whale watching and of course shopping. All in all, a great break away and this could be you next year.
NZ National Road Relay – We were here. Norm did sterling service or should I say silver service at the National Road Relay held in Christchurch and the relay team ran from Cashmere to Akaroa, a 76 Km course which was a rather breezy day and views to die for, literally as this course has a few hills in it. With over 100 teams entered, Norms’ team did well bringing home the silver medal in the over 50’s section. Well done Norm.
Blue Lake 24 hour challenge – Yes we were here too, a great event to see how far you can get in 24 hours. Great amount of km covered by Sue and Ross a great effort.
Hamilton Half – We asked for a big hit on this for our Rods 100th half and not only did we have a good turn out from the club, but we had some step up for their first event and some doing great times, and in some cases, PBs. With a fine day (rare for this event) it added to being a great day. My congratulations to all you fine athletes.
Ekiden – Rotorua – Well done to what I would call our “Party Athletes”. For those not familiar with the event, it is a team event on the 42km Rotorua Marathon course divided up a team of 6 and is around Lake Rotorua. Well, the start was a tad cool with an overcast day and a breeze that just didn’t leave us alone. I was impressed with all the get up our 6 teams were wearing, taking fancy dress to a new level. I was very impressed doing the maths - 6 teams x 6 members that’s about a 3rd of HRR out on the track. Well done you. Lees’ team did well at prize giving, but the bigger score I thought was Lees’ spot prize of 6 x 12 packs of beer. I thought new boot Shireen did very well on her first outing and also so did team “Birds of a Feather” who we only saw at the start as they just flew around the course. However my biggest thanks for the weekend would have to go to our booking clerk for the Lodge accommodation Wayne Reynolds and also to Teams Facilitator Gary Fieldes, thank you both so much.
Taupo Ultra – Yes, same weekend we were here too. Congratulations for surviving 50km of off road slog Karen and Ross you have done well.
Auckland Marathon – We had ten HRR’s padding around the course doing several distances of the event. With a bad forecast for being wet and windy, all was good on the day with a light breeze and virtually no rain. As I understand it everybody had a great day. Even though it is an early start with a ferry ride and running over the harbour bridge, this does make it a special event. I was particularly happy for Anya as she hit her target of being sub four-hour on the marathon. Anya thought the view from the top of the bridge and along the waterfront just magical. I was rather impressed that Anya had set up a tracking app that her family in Germany could track in real time, which was their mid evening. I was so pleased to see all our lot come in over the finish line. Job well done I say.
Morrinsville Fun Run – Yes another six HRR’s on the go for a good community charity run. Pleased to see that there was also a fine day had for this event and everybody also had a great time.
Sunday Run – Wow event number three on the same Sunday. Looks like all the HRR shirts must have been out that day. Thanks to Kevin for putting this event up. I cannot remember the club ever doing three events on one day. My hat off to all of you.
It is with disappointment that I hear that David and Phillipa Marley will soon be moving back to the UK. I would like to think we at HRR have given them some great memories of runs they have done with us and I would also like to say farewell to Ben and Deborah Young who have been involved with the club for quite some time and will soon be moving back to Auckland. To you all you are welcome back at any time. I hope that Deborah may well be our eyes and ears for any new events that appear in the Auckland area.
Just remember – The light at the end of the tunnel may well be – A fellow HRR team member
Club Notes
Dinner Night – Norm and Group 1 – Date Thursday 1 November
Glenview Run – Urgent attention – Please lock out this date on your calendar – Sunday 3 February 2019 – This is our run of the Summer Series – We will need a lot of club members to run this event and please put the word out to friends and family to sign up for this event and support it.
Running Group Lists – The lists are on the Notice Board in the corridor at HRR HQ – Please check to see which of the 4 groups you are assigned to – Any changes needed please see VP Gary
Christmas Break HRR – We will be having our last dinner night at HRR on Thursday 13 December – This will also be our awards night. The first club night back will be Thursday 10th January 2019.
Dinner Night 13 December – Meal more details to come – everybody brings a plate for dinner or dessert, but to streamline the night a list will be put out of what dishes would be liked for the night. HRR will provide the ham and chicken.
Food Bank – HRR have started a food box at the club for the next few club nights, If you would like to donate an article or two simply put in the box and on the 14th December we will pass on to the Hamilton Food Bank.
Dinner Night 31 January – Yes the club never sleeps This great meal will be brought to us by Group 2.
Club Books – There are two books on the table at HRR - #1 – Run book – This is for events you have done and can record your times and PBs in – Book #2 – This is the away book and has up coming runs in it. It is handy in that it can help with car pooling – forward planning is good.
Percy Lawn Event – 25th November – Please mark this on your calendar as this is our next upcoming event. This will be hosted by Te Awamutu Marathon Clinic and we will be looking at getting a good club representation there.
Discounts - Did you know your HRR membership card gives you discounts at – Trek n Travel and Shoe Clinic
Hot Foot Award: September Athletes of the Month Rod Gill 100 Half Marathons Neil Crocker Round the Rock Rarotonga
Events and Times, September Lex Chalmers Kinloch Trail Run 21 Km Run 2h,42m,40s Karen McLaughlin Kinloch Trail Run 21 Km Run 4h,05m,15s Ross Dewstow Kinloch Trail Run 21 Km Run 2h,20m,16s Eileen Odgers - 1st IAG Kinloch Trail Run 10 Km Walk 1h,35m,08s Sue Hunter- 1st Woman Lenser Night Run -McLaren Falls 21 Km Run 1h,50m Gary Fieldes Lenser Night Run- McLaren Falls 7 Km Run 42m Annette Hermans Lenser Night Run- McLaren Falls 7 Km Run 42 m Karen McLaughlan Whangamata Fun Run 21 Km Run 3h,20m,44s Clare McCarthy Whangamata Fun Run 21 Km Run 2h,12m,16s Norm Robins 1st IAG Whangamata Fun Run - 4th over all 10 Km Run 42m,03s Annette Hermans 2nd IAG Whangamata Fun Run 10 Km Run 52m,39s Kevin Hooker – 3rd IAG Whangamata Fun Run 10 Km Run 55m,29s Gary Fieldes – 2nd IAG Whangamata Fun Run 10 Km Run 57m,11s Karen Hooker- First Event Whangamata Fun Run 10 Km Run 1h,28m,44s Neil Crocker Whangamata Fun Run 10 Km Run 1h,16m,52s Sue Hunter Moa Experience Trail Run Papamoa 15 Km Run 1h,59m Sue Hunter 3rd Woman Lenser Night Run – Rotorua 21 Km Run 1h,58m,33s Karen McLaughlin Lenser Night Run – Rotorua 10.5 Km Run 2h,05m,03s Ross Dewstow Waihi Trail Trilogy 55 Km Run 7h,23m,32s Lynda Brahne Waihi Trail Trilogy 55 Km Run 7h,53m,57s Jill Sklenars Waihi Trail Trilogy 21 Km Run 2h,08m,24s Annette Hermans Waihi Trail Trilogy 9 Km Run 51m,57s Gary Fieldes Waihi Trail Trilogy 9 Km Walk 56m,30s Rod Gill- 2nd IAG Cambridge Half Marathon 21 Km Run 2h,03m,56s Kerin Buttimore Cambridge Half Marathon 21 Km Run 2h,17m,14s Tau Holden Cambridge Half Marathon 21 Km Run 2h,10m,10s Vicky Birkett Cambridge Half Marathon 21 Km Run 2h,04m,59s Val Wilson Cambridge Half Marathon 10 Km Run 1h,00m,04s Mary Rozeboom Tauranga International Marathon 21 Km Run 1h,45m,13s Sue Hunter – 2H Pacer Tauranga International Marathon 21 Km Run 2h,00m,50s Rod Gill – 2nd IAG Tauranga International Marathon 21 Km Run 2h,00m,50s Val Wilson Tauranga International Marathon 12 Km Run 1h,13m,28s Anne Fredricsen Tauranga International Marathon 42 Km Run 6h,38m,47s Ross Dewstow Round the Rock – Rarotonga 31 Km Run 3h,10m,22s Jane Roche Round the Rock – Rarotonga 31 Km Run 4h,05m,45s Neil Crocker- 1st Male Round the Rock – Rarotonga 31 Km Walk 4h,15m,17s Norm Robins Round the Rock – Rarotonga 10 Km Run 41m,35s Colleen Stacey Round the Rock – Rarotonga 10 Km Run 1h,10m,30s Sue Hunter Blue Lake 24H Challenge - Rotorua 115 Km 24 Hour Run Lex Chalmers Blue Lake 24H Challenge – Rotorua 89.6 Km 24 Hour Run Norm Robins National Road Relays 10 Km Run 39m,41s Anja Romer Hamilton Half Marathon 21 Km Run 1h,48m,02s Kirsten Job Hamilton Half Marathon 21 Km Run 1h,59m,16s Kevin Hooker Hamilton Half Marathon 21 Km Run 1h,59m,33s Tau Holden Hamilton Half Marathon 21 Km Run 1h,59m,37s Rod Gill – 100th Half Hamilton Half Marathon 21 Km Run 2h,00m,25s Holly White – 1st Half Hamilton Half Marathon 21 Km Run 2h,06m,48s Clare McCarthy Hamilton Half Marathon 21 Km Run 2h,11m,42s Kerin Buttimore Hamilton Half Marathon 21 Km Run 2h,16m,35s Deborah Young Hamilton Half Marathon 21 Km Run 2h,20m,55s Mark Goble Hamilton Half Marathon 21 Km Run 2h,22m,27s Karen McLaughlin Hamilton Half Marathon 21 Km Run 3h,15m,55s Chris Biddulph Hamilton Half Marathon 10 Km Run 45m,56s Gary Fieldes -PB-2nd IAG Hamilton Half Marathon 10 Km Run 55m,39s Annette Hermans 2nd IAG Hamilton Half Marathon 10 Km Run 56m,54s Hanim Ayob – 1st Event Hamilton Half Marathon 10 Km Run 58m,18s Val Wilson - PB Hamilton Half Marathon 10 Km Run 58m,38s Kimberley McCarthy- PB Hamilton Half Marathon 10 Km Run 1h,04m,40s Karen Whitaker Hamilton Half Marathon 10 Km Run 1h,05m,17s Christine Thomsen Hamilton Half Marathon 10 Km Run 1h,11m,33s Kath Reid Hamilton Half Marathon 10 Km Run 1h,29m,42s Pip Jensen Hamilton Half Marathon 5 Km Run 42m, 13s Tim Saunders Hamilton Half Marathon Marshall Thankyou! Eileen Odgers Hamilton Half Marathon Marshall Thankyou!
Park Run Marlin Fisher 50th Park Run – Hamilton Jill Sklenars 150th Park Run – Hamilton Lex Chalmers 150th Park Run - Hamilton Hanim Ayob - PB Cambridge Park Run Chris Oliver - PB Wroclaw Park Run – Poland Heather Flay - PB 70th Park Run – Hamilton Sue Walsh - PB Hamilton Park Run Jill Sklenars - PB Hamilton Park Run Phillipa Marley - PB Hamilton Park Run
Events and Times, October Norm Robins - Silver Medal ChCh National Road Teams Relays 76 Km Run 5h,07m Ross Dewstow Taupo Ultra Marathon 50 Km Run 6h,54m,10s Karen McLaughlin Taupo Ultra Marathon 50 km Run 11h,13m,17s Kerin Buttimore Pukekohe Half Marathon 21 Km Run 2h,20m,13s Birds Of A Feather Ekiden Relay - Run 42 Km Run 3h,34m,20s Team Cool Running Ekiden Relay - Run 42 Km Run 4h,02m,47s Happy Hippies Ekiden Relay - Run 42 Km Run 4h,11m,23s Bagga Bones Ekiden Relay - Run 42 Km Run 5h,05m,32s The Monachs Ekiden Relay- Run 42 Km Run 5h,33m,27s RoadRunners Mens Walk Ekiden Relay – 1st in Mens Walk 42 Km Walk 5h,19m,31s Anya Romer Auckland Marathon 42 Km Run 3h,58m,54s Kirsten Job Auckland Marathon 42 Km Run 4h,37m,16s Vickie Birkett Auckland Marathon 42 Km Run 4h,41m,44s Sue Hunter Auckland Marathon – Pacer 4h,45m 42 Km Run 4h,44m,09s Phillipa Marley Auckland Half Marathon 21 Km Run 1, 50m,54s Desiree Danchuk Auckland Half Marathon 21 Km Run 1h,49m,10s David Marley Auckland Half Marathon 21Km Run 1h,57m,29s Rod Gill Auckland Half Marathon 21 Km Run 2h,18m,33s Neil Crocker Auckland Half Marathon 21 Km Walk 2h,44m,16s David Ross Auckland Quarter Marathon 12 Km Run 1h,31m,29s Tau Holden Morrinsville Fun Run 10 Km Run 59m,11s Kerin Buttimore Morrinsville Fun Run 10 Km Run 59m,30s Lynda Brahne Morrinsville Fun Run 5 Km Run 25m Greg Hill Morrinsville Fun Run 5 km Run 27m Hanim Ayob Morrinsville Fun Run 5 Km Run 29 m Chris Biddulph Morrinsville Fun Run 5 Km Supporter
Park Run David Marley - PB Hamilton Sue Walsh - PB Hamilton Gary Fieldes Red Cliffs - Brisbane Annette Hermans Red Cliffs - Brisbane Gary Fields Surfers – Park Run Annette Hermans Surfers – Park Run
From the Bush
24 November Waitetuna Windmill Off Road 1 December The Goat – Mt Ruapehu 8 December Karioi Trai Run - Raglan 8 February Tarawera – Trail Run- 20 km 9 February Tarawera – Trail Run – 50 km / 102 km / 160 km 3 March Rotorua Off Road - Half 23 March Ring of Fire – Ruapehu 8 April Rotorua Xterra – Blue Lake 13 April Waitomo Trail Run 14 April Eastern Traverse – Rotorua
The Far-Looker
17 November Queenstown Marathon 17 November Keri Keri Half Marathon 18 November Toi’s Challenge Whakatane 18 November Round the Bridges Hamilton 25 November Percy Lawn Challenge, Te Awamutu
Auckland Half Marathon Series 2 December Omaha Half - Event 2 10 February Coatesville Half - Event 3 17 March Maraetai Half - Event 4 14 April Auckland Water Front - Event 5
5 December The Great Santa Run – Hamilton – Charity Run 8 December 3 Bridges Marathon - Wanganui 13 December HRR – Last Dinner and Awards Night for 2018 10 January HRR – First Club Night for 2019 8 January Eastside Pub Run – 5 Km 9 January Smith & McKenzie – 5 Km 12 January Waikato River Trail Run - Mangakino 12 January Port of Tauranga – Half 19 January We Run The Night – Mt Maunganui 26 January Tussock Traverse – Tongariro National Park 31 January HRR Dinner Night – Group 2 2 February 4 Seasons River Run – Ann St – Hamilton 3 February Summer Series Glenview Run 10 February Orewa Beach Half 17 February Summer Series Blueberry Run 2 March Mountain to Surf – Taranaki 3 March Round the Bays – Auckland 9 March Kirikiriroa Marathon / Relay 10 March Waipa Fun Run – Cambridge 16 March Run the vines - Martinborough 17 March Hospice Fun Run – Hamilton Gardens – Fundraiser 17 March Maraetai Half - 4 May Rotorua Marathon 11 May St. Clair Vineyard Half – Blenheim 25 May Whitianga Half 26 May Huntly Half Marathon 2 June Mount Runners – Half Marathon 30 June Wellington Marathon