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Club Newsletter, April



Hello everybody and welcome to the April newsletter.

First off, I would like to thank the Club for looking after prospective members. It is great to see that some have joined our Club and that some new blood has rolled in.

It has been great to see the Club activities, from runs in and around Auckland, over to Rotorua and Tauranga and as far south as Martinborough, and PB’s along the way.

Also great to see that Rod and Kerin finally got their 50 Park Runs done, and on home ground. It has taken a while but then their Roadrunner shirts have been away, well-travelled around the country most weekends. Well done you two.

As for Mr Fly Under the Radar, Gary Fieldes, a well done to you for your 150 Park Runs. Unsure of you are a Park Run addict or a Post- Park Run coffee addict.

I would like to have a shout out to Gary and Annette for their organised Sunday Club run. A great day was had by all and I was impressed that Wayne was first through the cave, and as he had the biggest frame, he had brushed all the spider webs off the walls so all the girls (and the boys too) had a safe trip through. You are the hero Wayne, and my hat off to you for taking one for the team. A lot of great talk was had when the BBQ was on. Also great to see that Angela and little Ben had ventured out to see us too, and it was great to see Angela have some fun time. Angela has been working hard in the engine room of the Club website, with more and more improvements being done. Thank you Angela.

Dinner night, April 26 will be brought to us by Group 3 runners. Dinner nights have always been a great and relaxed night, so for the new and prospective members, please bring a change of clothes and shower gear if you want a warm shower after your exercise and before the $5 meal. Coming events include the Waitomo Trail Run on 28 April for those who like getting their feet wet. The same day, April 28 for the Park Run junkies, is the very first Tauranga Park Run.

We have two major hits on for the Club:

First is Rotorua Marathon on May 5. Wayne has got accommodation sorted at $80 for a Friday and Saturday bed. We are booking beds fast but Wayne tells me we still have a little space left. If you want to join us, that’s great, as we have Wayne lining up for his 30th marathon, as well as Rebecca and Michelle lining up for their first Rotorua marathon. So the more support over there the better, I say. If you don’t have ambition to the marathon level, come over and do a 5, 10, 15 or 21 km distance, of just come to cheer them on.

The other big hit is our HRR Memorial Relay on Saturday 19 May. For the new and prospective members this is my favourite event of the year and if you can possibly make this date available in your calendar it would be great. We start at our club rooms at 7.15 am for Club photos, Club shirt needed. Could Club members please bring their spare shirts to loan to those without for the Club photos as it would be handy. After the photos we are then off to the Arboretum for a team relay, which is a fairly relaxed affair, and then back for a shower, then for a 1pm for a catered lunch and complimentary bubbles at our Club rooms. More details further in the newsletter.

The relay celebrates the life of our past members who have passed on, so please be part of our day if you can.

Lastly, remember that the light at the end of the tunnel…..might well be a fellow HRR Club member. HRR Committee 2018 President Norm Robins

1st Vice President Gary Fieldes

Secretary Wayne Reynolds/Michelle Goldsmith

Treasurer Sue Hunter

Club Captain Neil Crocker

Committee Members Lorraine Eves, Lynda Brahne If anyone who has a great idea to make a great Club an even better Club, please talk to any of the above people.

We also need another coupe of Committee Members. If you would like to come forward for this role it would be great.

Subs 2018 Standard subs are $66 for the year. We also have joint and family subs available. HRR Bank account details: 03 1555 0161275 00 Events and Times - March Chris Bidulph Waikato Hospice Run 5 km run 0 h, 29 m

Neil Crocker Waikato Hospice Run 10 km walk 1 h, 13 m

Wayne Reynolds Waikato Hospice Run 10 km run 1 h, 15 m, 30 s

Eileen Odgers HRR Glenview S S 10 km walk 1h, 36 m, 25 s Colleen Stacey HRR Glenview S S 10 km run 1 h 11 m

Mark Goble HRR Glenview S S 10 km run 1 h, 09 m

Wayne Reynolds HRR Glenview S S 10 km run 1 h, 15 m

Michelle Goldsmith HRR Glenview S S 10 km run 1 h, 02 m

Pat Goldsmith HRR Glenview S S 6 km run 0 h, 45 m

Norm Robins HRR Glenview S S 10 km run 0 h, 58 m

Stu Ross HRR Glenview S S 10 km run 1 h, 14 m

Paul Taylor HRR Glenview S S 10 km run 1 h, 12 m

Kath Reid HRR Glenview S S 10 km run 1 h, 36 m, 25 s

Cheryl Laubscher Huntly Half 21 km run 2 h, 33 m, 04 s

Kerin Buttimore Huntly Half 21 km run 2 h, 29 m, 59 s

Rod Gill Huntly Half 21 km run 2 h, 05 m, 55 s

Michelle Goldsmith Huntly Half PB 21 km run 2h, 02 m, 04 s

Rod Gill Waipa 10km 10 km run 1h, 02 m, 03 s

Kerin Buttimore Waipa 10km 10 km run 1h, 02 m,57 s

Sue Hunter Coatesville Half 21 km run 1h, 53 m, 07 s

Deborah Young Coatesville Half 21 km run 1h, 58 m, 56 s

Heather Flay Coatesville Half 21 km run 2 h, 53 m

Gary Fieldes Martinborough Vines Run 10 km run 1h, 09 m

Sue Hunter Rotorua Off Road 21 km 2h, 07m, 30s Hot Foot Award: Athletes of the Month


Ross Dewstow for Tarawera Ultra 87 KM 17hours 1st in Grade + PB

Paula Klein for Tarawera Ultra 165 KM 35h 16m, 09s


Heather Flay for best improved results

Michelle Goldsmith Huntly Half 2h,02m,04s PB March

From the Bush 28 April Waitomo Trail Run 6 km / 11 km /22 km /35 km

24 November Waitetuna Windmill off road run

The Far-Looker 28 April Tauranga Park Run Inaugural

5 May Rotorua Marathon

13 May HRR Sunday Club Run

19 May HRR Memorial Relay

26 May Whitianga Half – Inaugural

31 May HRR Dinner Night – Hosted by Walkers

21 to 25 September Project Raro – HRR International

13 October Ekiden Relay Rotorua

13 October Lenser Beneath the stars night run Innis Common

28 October Auckland Marathon

28 October Morrinsville Fun Run

17 November Queenstown Marathon

18 November Round the Bridges

25 November Percy Lawn Challenge, Te Awamutu

HRR Memorial Relay - Saturday 19th May

7.15 am HRR Club Rooms – Photos 8.00 am Taitua Arboretum 12.00 pm HRR Clubrooms Bar Opens 1.00 pm HRR Clubrooms – Catered Lunch, with complimentary glass of bubbles Lunch = $20 (Club Members) $35 (Non-Members) Lunch needs to be paid a week prior for catering confirmation. HRR Bank account details: 03 1555 0161275 00

Teams of 4 – 2 Runners and 2 Walkers Course – 2.3 km Loop Runners x 2 laps, Walkers x 1 lap Each participant to estimate their time and Team Captain to collate Team closest to actual time versus estimated time will be determined the winner Winning team will get a free lunch No watches or timing devices whilst competing

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